Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Staying Ahead of the Curve

In a time when just about every company is talking about dialogue, listening to customers and transparency - few actually deliver on their vows. Recently Domino's Pizza put their money where their mouth is. They boldly reinvented themselves, even when things (from all outward appearances) are good. That takes a lot of balls. Humility is very Un-American, except of course when people are walking away. Chevy was really good at saying sorry, only after they were screwed. 

There is a theory in business called the Sigmoid curve - it basically states that there are four phases for any business: growth, maturity, decline, and death. It goes on to suggest that in order to prevent death, you must institute change while you are in maturity and before decline.

Even before I realized it had a name, I had observed this lifecycle in real life. And Domino's is putting the theory to the test. I'm eager to see what happens. 

A very wise man pointed out to me that there are two important rules that the Curve teaches us:  1) Nothing lasts forever under its own momentum.  2) Success contains the seeds of its destruction


Unknown said...

Mmmm, cardboard.

That theory makes a lot of sense to me, and I think this is a good move for Dominos. I'm curious to see how it improves their business/ image.

tierno said...

Matt great video very inspiring for anyone in the marketing biz. Thanks for sharing!