Thursday, February 7, 2008

By The Numbers

Using a tool called Yahoo! Buzz Index, I was poking around on what keywords Americans are searching on Yahoo!. The tool basically indexes the volume of keyword searches on Yahoo! (the Buzz) as well as increases/decreases in volume over the last 24 hours. Lastly, it ranks the popularity of the words among all of the words people are searching on Yahoo! (Note: this isn’t a real index based on 100, so take it with a grain of salt. It’s more the relative Buzz score that a keyword is enjoying at a moment in time). Let’s proceed:

So, what about the term ‘Barack Obama’:

As of 2/5/08, he ranked 67th and has seen a steady increase in search over the last few weeks (incidentally, he saw a large drop post Super Tuesday, not surprising).

Now, ‘Hillary Clinton’:

She ranks 56. Not bad. Likewise, has seen steady increases during the Primaries.

Just in case these numbers don’t mean much to you, let’s have a look at ‘Britney Spears’:

Coming in at #41, it’s pretty depressing that she’s more searched than two of our major democratic candidates. Incidentally, Paris Hilton’s score was in the 500’s when she went to jail back in June of 2007 - shoot me.

Also noteworthy, the words ‘myspace’ and ‘google’ are consistently the two most searched words on Yahoo!

I don’t know about you, but that’s embarrassing. Think about it. Why in the world would someone search the word ‘google’ on Yahoo!? Likewise for ‘myspace,’ Can’t you just type it into the URL bar? I digress.

You can also search what other words people searching in addition to key words. When we look at Obama, it’s mostly around some of his religious beliefs and people trying to get to know him a little more:

Now, what about Mrs. Clinton:

In case you don’t see what I’m seeing – when it comes to this lil' nutcracker, the American population is most concerned with hot nude photos, bathing suits, and her being a lesbian. HA!

I’ll save the commentary, but in the end, I’m not so sure the American people are ready for a female president. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

So...I couldn't resist not typing in some of the racer topics related to Hilary Clinton (and I'm a woman)...blame it on curiosity. I didn't find any panties photos...which I'm a bit disappointed about, but I did find a few other photos worth passing along. Here a few blogs worth clicking on to see the photos...or should I just tell you want the key word is in yahoo to push up the numbers.

bathing suit photo -

hippie photo -

Anonymous said...

those folks who type 'google' into the search box on yahoo are descendants of those for whom AOL is 'the internet'.

justy said...

Came to your site via Nice commentary, especially the one with britney ;)
I think te searches after google came from integration of yahoo as standard searching engine in a few applications (aol?), and maybe of n00bs using yahoo toolbar as substitute for an address bar...

Anonymous said...

i am one of those retards that type google on yahoo. i hate yahoo...i get better info on google.

Unknown said...

Two asides first. (The Hillary panties shot probably is the one from a decade ago, when she was visiting South America as 1st lady. Lot of yelling about how it was in bad taste, but it still made the news. You could not find it? I tried and it came right up. "photo hillary clinton panties" on google.) (Second is there was no "Barack Obama nude"? What a sexist country.)

As for whether we are "ready"? Depends on what "ready" means, and whether you talk to regular people or the press. In France they had a female president, and standard practice for the TV camerapeople, when she got out of a limo, was "take a shot of her legs, then pan up". They never grew out of that, which pissed her off. "Mitterand never had to put up with that!" I think was her quote.

The point is that I think most people are a lot more mature than the media will give them credit for, but you will never hear that from the media itself. If we get a female president, expect figure shots and leg shots, like we had with Princess Dianna. If we get a black president, expect similar stuff of a racial tone. But also expect that the regular folks will soon forget that anything but a WASP male was unusual.

Also along these lines is the rumor that Hillary was advised that being too sexy would make her seem "threatening" to some women, so she has toned down her makeup and outfits. If true, you might see her "bloom" a bit between the election and her inauguration -- I swear, she is a more attractive woman than she has let herself appear lately.

Anonymous said...

Is the writer's strike still going on? This sounded like a promising blog. But, there has only been one post and that was over a month ago. If you want to contribute to the blog-sphere then do it. Don't half-ass do it.

You mock the electorate. Yet, you are mocking yourself by not taking the time or pride to keep your blog going.

The same people that doing Google searches and, yet, too dang lazy to vote are possibly the same people that are too lazy to keep their blog rolling.

A blog is not a sprint. And your one entry is a feeble attempt at getting your feet to the starting line. A blog is a marathon. You have to be in it for the long haul.

Why should we care about your trivial writings if you don't care enough to keep writing?

Is America Ready? In my humble opinion, America is ready. It's the author of this blog that is not.

I challenge you to prove me wrong... maintain your blog!!! Then everyone wins!

Matt said...

I bet you were a hall monitor and teachers pet.