Monday, September 29, 2008

Does McCain look better when shit's really heading south?

An Observation:

Motivequest, an online discussion measurement (among other things) company put together this site:
It basically tallies the volume and sentiment of online discussion regarding Obama and McCain in horizontal discussion forums (and not, political discussion boards where people of one ilk or another gather). 

While I'm sure it has its flaws (e.g. it doesn't account for the fact more young people are online, that young people tend to sway Obama, or the electoral college, etc.), it's makers seem to think that they'll be able to predict the outcome of the election based on their numbers. One has even promised to shave his head if he's wrong.

Interestingly, Obama had the advantage since the site launched end of August -  until today when the stock market tanked.

Perhaps too early to tell, but looks like people look to 'experience' when it gets REALLY scary. Wonder if the score will sway Obama if/when the market improves. 

Stay tuned.